Accommodation - Staying in Sussex
Many of our recommended places to stay are more easily accessible by car and there are a number of good accommodation choices between Gatwick and Brighton that can be less expensive. The town of Lewes is approximately equidistant from both venues (30-40 minutes by car), but is probably only a good location for those involved in the Qualifying Tournament.
For those choosing not to have a car we recommend you stay in the Shoreham or Brighton & Hove areas. Sussex County Croquet Club is accessible by train from there and there is a good bus service from Brighton & Shoreham to Southwick.
There are many hotels in the Brighton/Southwick area from about £80 per night upwards, including most of the major hotel chains.
Sharing an apartment, cottage or house can also be a cost efficient option in this area, but please make sure that if you don't have a car that there's easy public transport to the venues!
The following offers from club members have been made:
Liz Farrow - one single. No en suite. Breakfast if required.
Eating places nearby. Transport to SCCC .
Deborah Marcus - Worthing, 5 players
Laundry offered, breakfast, off road parking on drive for 2 cars. Free wifi and use of fridge, kitchen and dining room in evenings.
(Already on club website)
Noel & Ann Gill - Worthing
Alan & Judith Price - Worthing - offering accommodation for one or two.
In addition Sussex County Croquet Club maintains a list of suggested local accommodation, including B&Bs, which can be seen here.
We're hoping that some of the local Universities will have rooms available in student accommodation, but details are unlikely to be available before April 2023.