Jessica Bullen |  | Kia ora everyone, Jessica is an 18 year old, Year 13 student at Kāpiti College in Paraparaumu, New Zealand. She has grown up in Paraparaumu and lived here her whole life.
She was first introduced to Croquet in 2018 , where at first was not interested in it at all and found it super boring, until she played in her first tournament with her brother, Nathan, in 2019. Since then she has continued to build on her skills and has played in multiple tournaments, improving herself to now play in the Women’s GC Worlds!
She has had the pleasure of being a part of the New Zealand Youth Squad and NZ U21 Squad and has played in multiple national events, including being selected to play in the CNZ U21 v. New Zealand Select team, and the Women’s NZ Nationals in 2022 where she won the Plate. She played in the U21 Worlds this year and is excited to play in the Women’s GC Worlds.
Jessica is very happy to represent her country and especially women for croquet and is super excited to meet so many amazing women who play Croquet and get to experience this Worlds! |
Jenny Clarke |  | Jenny is a regular physicist resident in Christchuch, NZ. She has a strong background in both AC and GC, and is looking forward to reconnecting with friends during this event. |
Ashley Cooke |  | Ashley was born in Matamata, New Zealand. She currently lives and works in Tauranga as a store manager for Whitcoulls.
She has grown up on a croquet lawn, with mom, Dallas Cooke, bringing Ashley to the club while she first was playing AC and then GC. Ashley has been playing croquet since age15, with her grandma teaching her how to play and grandad being her doubles partner.
The best thing for Ashley playing croquet is that she gets to play with and against her mom, grandma and grandad. Especially when she manages to beat all of them in one tournament! This will be her 5th Women's World Golf Croquet championships. She is looking forward to traveling to England with her mom, Dallas, to play in this tournament. |
Dallas Cooke |  | Dallas is a member of Croquet Mount Maunganui Bay of Plenty, part of the executive for the club and BOP association and a member of Croquet New Zealand board. I am supported by my tennis loving husband Keith and 3 girls, Ashley the eldest is also selected to play in this event, along with my parents Geoff and Phyllis. Playing croquet for over 35 years, starting with Association croquet and then Golf croquet, I like each game and they both complement each other with skills required to enjoy the game fully. Having had the privilege to compete in the last 6 women's GC worlds, winning the Shield in the last event, I am looking forward to catching up with friends and competitors. |
Helen Reeves |  | Helen lives in Hawke's Bay, New Zealand and has been playing Golf Croquet for 13 years. Since giving up full-time work in school administration two years ago, she spends a lot of time travelling to tournaments in and around New Zealand in a campervan.
Last year she was delighted to play in tournaments in England, where the standard of play was wonderfully challenging. She has been a member of Heretaunga Club for ten years and is a Senior Golf Croquet Referee and club handicapper, as well as riding the occasional lawn mower.
Helen was very proud to wear the black shirt for New Zealand in the Trans Tasman Test, team event against Australia, and in both the Women's World Championships and the World Championships in 2019. |